Category Archives: Events

Protect Your Right To Strike

Dear Friends and Comrades,

Protect the right to strike – Monday 22 May starting at 6:00 PM in Parliament Square SW1P 3BD

This Monday the TUC has called an emergency protest against the Government’s plan to abolish the right to strike.

If passed and if unamended, this Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill would allow Government ministers to order many staff to work or be sacked.

The Bill covers NHS staff, transport workers, firefighters, teachers, lecturers and more. Including over 5 million workers, it would mean that effective strikes could be outlawed at the whim of the Government.

As people get poorer and desperate, the Government is increasingly banning strikes and protests. Yesterday essential workers were clapped, today they’re being forced into poverty, tomorrow they can be sacked.

We can’t rely on a future Labour government – we need determined campaigning and a huge wave of anger to defend democratic rights.

Trades Council Meeting

Next meeting: Wednesday, 19th April 2023. 7.30-9.30 pm 
Coffee Shop Area on the Ground Floor of Hounslow House, Bath Road, Hounslow.

Put it in your diary for next week


  1. Introductions
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2022
  4. Matters arising
  5. Report on affiliations
  6. Treasurer’s report.
  7. Union round-up. An opportunity for all delegates and visitors to update the meeting on disputes, strikes and other issues in their union or workplace.
  8. Discussion – Can we and should we expect our leaders to coordinate lawful industrial action to maximise the impact of disputes?
  9. Discussion – Should we be happy that our unions defer strike action to allow talks to proceed?
  10. Extinction Rebellion – four days of action
  11. Public campaigning on behalf of Hounslow Trades Council – plans
  12. Any other business

Please forward any other items that you wish to have discussed either at the meeting or in future meetings.