Hounslow Trades Council
Rules, 18.1.2023
Rule 1: Name
The name of the Council shall be the Hounslow Trades Union Council.
The Council shall be registered annually by the TUC.
Rule 2: Objects
The objects of the Council shall be:
(a) Raise public awareness of rights at work and the union role in enforcing those rights;
(b) To promote the interests of all its affiliated unions and to secure united action on all questions affecting or likely to affect those interests;
(c) Act as the voice of trades union branches in the local community and to support and work for the application of objectives that the TUC and Regional TUC may from time to time determine, as well as making more widely known, in its area, national policies declared by the TUC;
(d) Follow the programme of work agreed by the annual conference and the TUCJCC;
(e) Promote organising and recruitment drives to build union membership;
(f) Support union and community campaigns for dignity and respect in the workplace and beyond;
(g) Promote equality and diversity in all its activities
(h) Campaign in support of local or regional industrial action officially authorised by the union or unions concerned;
(i) Improve generally the economic and social conditions of working people;
(j) Help promote suitable cultural, educational, social and sports facilities for all working people;
(k) Where a County Association of Trades Union Councils exits, each trades union council must affiliate to and play an active part in the work of the appropriate CATUC.
(l) Each Trades Union Council in England and Wales is also required to register with the General Council. Such registration may be made at any time and will remain current and operative from the date it is received by the TUC until the last Friday in the following year.
(m) In no circumstances shall the Council: cooperate with or subscribe to the funds of fascist parties or any subsidiary organisation of these parties; any organisations whose policies or activities are contrary to those of the Trades Union Congress; or subscribe to the funds of any industrial organisation which has been proscribed by the General Council. Nor shall the Council subscribe to the funds of any political party. The Council may cooperate with the local Labour Party, providing that no part of the funds of the Council derived from the general funds of affiliated trade unions shall be applied directly or indirectly in the furtherance of the political objects specified in Section 72 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act, 1992. Note: This rule must be included as printed.
(n) Play a leading role in antifascists/racist activity
(o) Play a leading role in developing awareness in green and climate change issues in their locality.
Rule 3: Registration
i. In order for a TRADES UNION COUNCIL or, COUNTY TRADES UNION to be recognised by the TUC it must register with the General Council. An initial registration by a new trades union council may be made at any time and will remain current and operative from the date it is received by the TUC. All trades union councils and county trades councils must re-register by the last Friday in January to be able to participate that year in those activities listed under Rule 3, iv.
ii. TRADES UNION COUNCILS and COUNTY TRADES UNION COUNCILS must submit copies of their constitution, rules and standing orders when registering for the first time or, when re-registering, if they have been altered in the previous year together with the most recent financial accounts.
iii. All TRADES UNION COUNCILS and COUNTY TRADES UNION COUNCILS must provide evidence to the TUC on re-registration that they have met at least once in the previous year for the purpose of nominations to TUC Regional Councils or the Wales TUC, as applicable, and for the nomination of delegates to, and the submission of motions to, the Conference of Trades Union Councils. Delegates at the meeting at which nominations are dealt with must originate from at least three branches from a minimum of two different unions. Officers of the trades union council should endeavour to ensure that over 10% of all delegates entitled to attend and vote are present at that meeting to enable the broadest support. It is recognised that this may not always be possible
iv. TRADES UNION COUNCILS that are registered with the General Council may:
a. Participate in the activities of and be represented on the TUC Regional Council.
b. Submit motions for consideration by the Conference of Trades Union Councils through their appropriate COUNTY TRADES UNION COUNCIL or COUNTY ASSOCIATION
c. Be represented at the Conference.
d. Nominate an individual to be the representative for their area on the TUC Joint Consultative Committee.
e. Participate in the ballot to elect a representative on to the TUC Joint Consultative Committee.
f. Make applications to the TUC development fund.
v. The General Council may, on the recommendation of the TUCJCC, deregister a Trades Union Council or County Trades Union Council where, in its opinion, the actions of that Trades Union Council, or County Trades Union Council, bring the union movement into disrepute.
vi. Registration with the TUC confers no authorisation to speak on behalf of the Trades Union Congress; Trades Union Councils, and County Trades Union Councils should bear this in mind in any publicity.
vii. The TUC initials or the TUC logo should not be used and any website, press release or similar communication should make clear the role of the Trades Union Council as the voice of trade union branches in the local community.
Rule 4: Constitution
(a) The Council shall only consist of representatives of trade unions or branches of trade unions, whose place of meeting are within the area covered by the Council or who have members working or living in the area. Councils may seek to involve local shop stewards committees, Student Unions and other appropriate organisations.
Note: A trade union branch normally affiliates to the Trades Union Council in the area in which it meets, where members work or where delegated members live.
(b) The application of any trade union branch, from a TUC affiliated union, shall be submitted to the full Council for its approval.
Rule 5: Representation
(a) Trade union branches affiliated to the Council shall be allowed representation on the following basis:
100 members or under – 1 delegate
101 members to 250 – 2 delegates
251 members to 300 – 3 delegates
One delegate for every additional 250 members (maximum of 8 delegates)
Rule 6: Affiliation Fees
Branch affiliation fee is 12p for each member affiliated, with a minimum of £15.
Rule 7: Composition of Executive Committee
The Council shall not at this time make provision for an Executive Committee
Rule 8: Nomination of Executive Committee
There shall be no provision for nominations to the Executive Committee
Rule 9: Election of the Executive Committee
There shall be no provision for election of an Executive Committee
Rule 10: Meetings of the Executive Committee
There shall be no provision for meetings of the executive Committee
Rule 11: Council Meetings
(a) The Annual Meeting of the council shall take place in the month of January
(b) The ordinary General Meeting of the Council shall take place on the third Wednesday of each month, to commence at 7.30 pm, and shall not continue after 9.30 pm, unless by special resolution of the Council. A list of attending delegates shall be kept.
(c) Each delegate shall receive from the secretary not less than seven days clear notice of the business to be transacted at such meetings, where possible by email.
(d) A Special Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee, or in the case of urgency, by the President and Secretary,
(e) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Council at which less than one – third of delegates are present.
Rule 12: Officers
(a) The officers of the Council shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
(b) All officers of the Council shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to serve for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
(c) Upon retirement from office, they shall hand over to their successors or to the Executive Committee all books, cash, keys, papers and other property of the Council.
Rule 13: Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and Committees to see that the business at meetings and of the Council generally is conducted in the proper manner. At meetings where the President is not in attendance, the Vice-President shall preside; in the absence of both, the meeting shall elect one of the members present to preside.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Council, Executive Committee and Sub-Committees, and ensure a correct record of the proceedings is kept and conduct the business of the Council in accordance with the rules. The Secretary shall issue to each delegate notice of Council meetings seven clear days prior to the meetings except in the case of emergency meetings, when the notice shall be left to the discretion of the President and the Secretary.
Should any delegate be absent from the Council three meetings in succession, the Secretary shall notify the delegate’s branch of the fact.
The Secretary shall receive all moneys due to the Council, and shall pay these to the Treasurer without delay.
The Secretary shall prepare the Annual Report and submit it for comment to the AGM of the trades union council.
The Treasurer shall keep account of all sums of money received from the Secretary and shall bank them in the name of the Council.
The Treasurer shall make and record such payments as may from time to time be authorised by the Council or the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall keep a true account of income and expenditure.
All cheques must be signed by at least two of the following officers: President, Secretary or, Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall prepare the annual Balance Sheet for inclusion in the Financial Statement to the AGM. The Financial Statement may form part of the Annual Report by the Secretary or be considered separately.
The Treasurer shall submit their accounts and Financial Statement to the auditors prior to reporting to the AGM.
The Treasurer shall submit regular financial statements to the trades union council or whenever requested by the Executive Committee.
Rule 14: Auditors
The Council at its Annual Meeting shall appoint two Auditors, whose duty is to audit all accounts and the Annual Financial Statement, to certify their correctness or otherwise and report their findings at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
Rule 15: Retirement of Officers
Upon retirement from office, officers shall hand over to their successors, or the Executive Committee, all books, cash, keys, papers and other property of the trades union council.
Rule 16: Deputations
Any delegate appointed to attend any conference or transact business on behalf of the Council, shall be allowed out-of-pocket expenses, which must not exceed actual standard railway fare paid plus an allowance for hotel expenses, etc.
Rule 17: Alteration of Rule
Alteration of rule shall only take place at the Annual Meeting, and requires two-thirds of the delegates present voting in favour of the proposed alteration. Three months notice shall be given to the Secretary of any proposed alteration of rule to be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
Changes to rules must be submitted to the TUC for approval.
Rule 18: Unauthorised Use of Name of Council
The unauthorised use by any delegate of the name of the council is expressly forbidden.
(a) Any delegate who, for whatever reason, uses the name of the Council without the expressed permission of the Council shall be requested to attend a full meeting of the Council which will consider the alleged contravention of Rule 18 (a). The Council shall inform the delegate’s branch of the action being taken under this rule:
(b) At the hearing before the Council, the delegate concerned will have a full opportunity of presenting his /her case. After hearing all the evidence the Council, if finding the contravention of Rule 18 (a) proved, shall have the power to:
exclude the delegate from……… meetings of the council;
permanently withdraw the credentials of the delegate concerned. The branch of the delegate concerned shall be informed of the decision of the Council.
Rule 19: Dissolution of Trades Union Council
In the event of a Council’s annual registration not being renewed, or the trades union council can no longer operate effectively, the officers shall hand over the funds and property of the council to the County Association Where no county association exists the property and funds shall be handed over to the Regional TUC. The County Association or Regional TUC shall retain these funds as a provision for the reestablishment of a trades union council in the area or have discretion to use the funds and property to the benefit of trades union councils, and advancing the trades union council programme of work or for the union movement as a whole.