All posts by admin

Resolution from LE/1111

Dear All

Pleased to announce that the following resolution was passed by your branch meeting for Unite the Housing Workers last night. This will now go to the higher bodies and committee of the union:

Hestia Resolution from LE1111 housing workers

his branch salutes members in Hestia LIFE in Hounslow taking strike action against poverty pay and unrealistic workloads.

The employer has refused to talk to Unite, and we appeal to Hounslow council to make a clear call for management to enter negotiations with Unite.

The service is funded by Hounslow and councillors have a responsibility for how it treats staff and the quality of its service.

Unite must make clear to Unite members on the council that this is a minimum request by low paid workers faced with a bad employer. If Unite Labour councillors fail to make a clear call disciplinary action along the lines of action taken against Unite members on Coventry council in pursuit of that dispute

AGM & Inaugural Meeting

A quick reminder that the AGM and Inaugural meeting for Hounslow Trades Council will take place as follows:

Date: Wednesday 18 January 2023

Time   7.30 pm – 9.30 pm

Venue 6th Floor, Hounslow House, 7, Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB

Please keep this date free, for the meeting

Full papers for the meeting will be sent out on 4 January.

Best regards, and a Happy New Year,

Bill Reed

Interim Co-Secretary