Amazon Union Leader Flies In
Resolution from LE/1111
Dear All
Pleased to announce that the following resolution was passed by your branch meeting for Unite the Housing Workers last night. This will now go to the higher bodies and committee of the union:
Hestia Resolution from LE1111 housing workers
his branch salutes members in Hestia LIFE in Hounslow taking strike action against poverty pay and unrealistic workloads.
The employer has refused to talk to Unite, and we appeal to Hounslow council to make a clear call for management to enter negotiations with Unite.
The service is funded by Hounslow and councillors have a responsibility for how it treats staff and the quality of its service.
Unite must make clear to Unite members on the council that this is a minimum request by low paid workers faced with a bad employer. If Unite Labour councillors fail to make a clear call disciplinary action along the lines of action taken against Unite members on Coventry council in pursuit of that dispute
Trades Council Meeting
Next meeting: Wednesday, 15th February 2023. 7.30-9.30 pm
room 6:08/9 on 6th floor of Hounslow House, Bath Road, Hounslow.
Put it in your diary for next week!
Support Hounslow Parking Officers
Join Unite the Union outsidfe Hounslow House this Tuesday, January 31st at 6.30 pm, in support of striking parking enforcement officers.
Strike Action at Hestia in Hounslow
Strike action at Hestia escalates. Unite members on strike are taking a brave stand against ignorant bosses who refused to listen to wise counsel at the London Borough of Hounslow
Better pay and conditions for Hounslow LIFE support workers
Please check out the link below, and sign the petition on that page to help these workers improve both their pay and the terms and conditions under which they are expected to work
AGM & Inaugural Meeting
A quick reminder that the AGM and Inaugural meeting for Hounslow Trades Council will take place as follows:
Date: Wednesday 18 January 2023
Time 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
Venue 6th Floor, Hounslow House, 7, Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB
Please keep this date free, for the meeting
Full papers for the meeting will be sent out on 4 January.
Best regards, and a Happy New Year,
Bill Reed
Interim Co-Secretary
Inaugural AGM
Put this date in your diary folks!
Wdnesday 18th January 2023. 7.30pm. Hounslow House, Bath Road Hounslow
London Living Wage 4/1/21
Hestia paying less than London Living Wage 3/2/21
Hestia: Unite growing rapidly, Many services barely functioning 2/12/21
Hestia: failing to support its own disabled workers 16/12/21
Hestia workers discuss cost of living crisis & pay 5/4/22
Unite issue pay claim for 13.5% 17/5/22
Staff threatened over trade union activities post submission of pay claim 17/6/22
Growing protests against Hestia management’s anti-union threats(links to protest letters) 2/8/22
Strike Articles
Pay claim, caseload and patience 14/10/22
Hestia workers to ballot for strike action 25/10/22
Management refuses to negotiate. Sharon Graham tells Hestia to negotiate 22/11/22
Management still refuse to negotiate 23/11/22
Food Bank 25/11/22